January 12, 2025

Restaurante Book

Eat Without Food

5 Tips to Discover Breweries Near Me

5 Tips to Discover Breweries Near Me

There are many ways to spend time with friends and family. Barbeques outside on a nice sunny day or inviting over guests for a pleasant and delicious sit down dinner are some of the many ways we love to connect and spend time with others. Sharing food has been a bonding experience since the beginning of human history, and so has sharing wine and beer. Even to this day grabbing a pint of your favorite beer with a friend and talking about life is one of signs of a close relationship. Now, there are many different varieties of beers and many different brands and companies to choose from. The decision of what to drink when you do decide to spend time with others has never been this full of choices. Here are 5 tips I would use to discover breweries near me.

1. Go to a beer expo

Whether you are a longtime lover of beer or someone who simply occasionally enjoys a brew now and again, going to a beer expo can be a fun and wonderfully educating experience. Beer expos bring together different styles of beers and different brands either locally or from all over the world to one location. You can discover much about brews as well as find some local brands to sample and support.

2. Decide on which beers are your favorite

It helps to know what style you prefer to drink. This way when you are at the bar or restaurant you can ask for a local version of whatever style you prefer. This is an easy and simple way to begin to memorize what local factories are in your local area and what beers they brew.

3. Find some local brands

By following the advice above you will be able to confidently talk about some of the different choices you have found locally and this will allow you to learn about and find more! Discussing your favorite beers with bartenders and other restaurant patrons will garner good feedback and information.

4. Look at your local zine or newspaper

If you are new to an area, a quick way to get a feel for how many local brews are available is to pic up a local magazine or weekly newspaper. They will often have advertisements, coupons, or even events that highlight what is available in your local area.

5. Join a network of beer aficionados

Get on social media and meet others who are as much into beer as you are. Networking and connecting with other aficionados will surely make you an expert in no time.

Follow these tips and enjoy exploring the world of local brews.